Our Mission

The mission of Serve Taylor Afterschool is to inspire students facing traumatic hardships and/or generational poverty to develop healthy, intergenerational relationships, and build brighter futures for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Future Men

Our mission is going to be effectively accomplished by taking a focused aim at mentoring and specifically by cultivating relationships that resemble and reflect those of a brother or father. By facilitating classic boyhood adventures and recreation, in a disciplined way, we are instilling the skills, habits, and characteristics of good and proper men. Skills such as patience and endurance; habits such as self-sacrifice and a hard work ethic; characteristics such as loyalty and courage. By this, we will effectively help create healthy, thriving young men who go on to make positive impacts in their own families and in our communities. Men equipped and empowered to work hard and make wise decisions, raise sturdy families, and start businesses of their own, benefiting themselves and creating a brighter future for the next generation and the world around them. 

More Than Facts

Kids need more than facts, they need character—they need to know how to live. Education is the transfer of a way of life. The boys in the Future Men Initiative will be shown and taught a way to live that sadly too many of today’s children have rarely or never experienced.

Transferring a Way of Life

A life well-lived will be one where they see not only themselves but the wide world around them. By facilitating adventure, we broaden creativity and imagination. We tell a better story and challenge our boys to think about those stories they love and the one they live.

Stories Lived

What character are you? The one everyone sees and hates or the one they want to be like? Through relationships with those of different generations, we want to expose our boys to the lives of others in their community and help them to broaden their vision and learn to live their story well.